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How about a rectangle which is a quadrilateral with sides of different lengths

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Q: What is a qaudrilateral wiht right angles but wiht sides of unequal lengths?
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What is a quadrilateral with four right angles but with sides of unequal lengths?

a rectangle (that is NOT a square) has 4 right angles and consecutive sides of unequal lengths.

What is the definition of a scalen triangle?

That's a triangle in which all three sides have three different lengths.

What shape has one pair of parallel sides of different lengths and two right angles?

A trapezium (has only one pair of unequal parallel lines).

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What polygons has 4 unequal sides and no right angles?

A rhomboid

What shape has 4 unequal sides and no right angles?

A shape with four unequal sides is called an irregular quadrilateral.

What is the four sided shape with unequal sides and two right angles?

A right trapezium or an irregular quadrilateral.

What can you find about diagonals of a kite?

They are unequal in length but one of the bisects the other at right angles.

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What shape has 1 pair of parallel sides of different lengths and 2 right angles?

A trapezoid can have 2 right angles and 1 pair of opposite parallel sides of different lengths. The 4 interior angles will add up to 360 degrees.

What shape has two parallel sides of different lengths and two right angles?

A right trapezoid.

What is quadrilateral whose diagonals are perpendicular to each other but unequal?

It is a kite or a rhombus both of which have unequal diagonals that are perpendicular to each other creating right angles.