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Q: What is a quadrilateral that is a parelleogram?
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How do you spell parelleogram?

The correct spelling is "parallelogram"

How do you use parallelogram in a sentence?

in math we learned about a parelleogram.

How do you find the area of a parelleogram?

Area = base x height A=bh

Is a trapazoid a parelleogram?

A trapezoid is not a parallelogram but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals.

What is an equal lateral?

it is a shape but it depends what type of shape you are looking for example and equalateral triangle, or an equalateral parelleogram.

How many equal sides does a parallel ogram have?

it all depends on the parelleogram, because there are different ones but i would usually say 4

Which quadrilateral has 4 right angles is not quadrilateral?

If it is a quadrilateral it cannot be "not a quadrilateral"!

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A series of transformations on quadrilateral S resulted in quadrilateral T. The angles of quadrilateral S and T are congruent but the sides of quadrilateral T are twice as long as quadrilateral S. Whi?

A series of transformations on quadrilateral S resulted in quadrilateral T. The angles of quadrilateral S and T are congruent but the sides of quadrilateral T are twice as long as quadrilateral S. Which transformation on quadrilateral S must be included to result in quadrilateral T * sorry thats the full question!

Why is a quadrilateral not a rectangle?

A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides. A rectangle is a quadrilateral

What is a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle called?

It is an inscribed quadrilateral or cyclic quadrilateral.

What has 5 vertex and 5 face?

A quadrilateral based pyramid.A quadrilateral based pyramid.A quadrilateral based pyramid.A quadrilateral based pyramid.