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The answer is a Unit Rate.<3

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Q: What is a ratio in which the second quantity in the comparison is 1 unit?
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Related questions

How a rate is a measure of one quantity per unit of another quantity?

That's basically what rate means - a comparison of two proportional quantities.

What is a rate that's in which the second quantity in the comparison is one unit?

It is a unit rate.A unit rate.

What does the rate in which the second quantity in the comparison is one unit mean?

It is called the unit rate and gives the number of the first unit for each one in the second.

What are examples of unit rate?

It is a ratio where the second number is one or one of the quantity

What is a comparison to 1 of something?

A unit fraction. The reciprocal of a unit ratio.

Blank is a comparison of two measurements in which the denominator has a value of one unit?

A unit ratio.

A rate in which the second quantity is one unit?

Unit Rate

How is a rate a measure of one quantity per unit of another quantity?

This is the definition of rate. It describes how one quantity relates to another as a ratio: meters per second, miles per hour, dollars per gallon. for example

Is a ratio of equivalent measurements that is used to convert a quantity expressed in one unit to another unit?

A multiplier.

What is a ratio of equivalent measurements that is used to convert a quantity expressed in one unit to another unit?

A multiplier.

What is a ratio of equivalent measurements that is used to convert a quantity expressed in one unit of another unit?

A multiplier.

What are the dimensionless quantity?

A dimensionless quantity is one that has only a number, not a unit, and should therefore be the same in any system of units. This often happens when a quantity is the ratio of two measurements of the same kind. For example, the index of refraction can be considered the ratio of two speeds (the speed of light in a vacuum, and the speed of light in the corresponding substance); if both speeds are expressed in meters/second, when taking the ratio, the units disappear, and only a number without units - a "dimensionless" unit - remains. If you convert the speeds in this example to some other unit, for example kilometers per second, both speeds will be a thousand times less; but the ratio will still be the same.