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Q: What is a scale factor that triples the size of a figure?
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The scale factor that triples the size of a figure is?

it is called a outter figure shape

What is the scale factor that doubles the size of a figure called?

A scale factor of 2.

How does the size of an image compare to the original figure undergoes a dilation with a scale factor of one?

A scale factor of one means that there is no change in size.

The scale factor that doubles the size of a figure?


The scale factor that quadruples the size of a figure is?


Suppose you copy a figure on a copier using the given size factor find the scale factor from the original figure to the copy in decimal form 150 percent?


Transformation that enlarges or reduces a figure?

Scaling changes the size of a figure. If the scale factor is greater than 1, the figure is enlarged; if the scale factor is less than 1, the figure is reduced. I the scale factor is equal to 1, the figure's size is unchanged. If there is a centre of enlargement, the new figure can be drawn exactly by multiplying the distance of every point from the centre of enlargement, multiplying this by the scale factor and drawing the new point at this distance from the centre of enlargement. (For a polygonal figure, only the vertices need be measured and the lines between the vertices of the original figure drawn in). With a centre of enlargement, the scale factor can be negative. In this case, the distance to the new points is measured on the opposite side of the centre to the original points, so that it is a straight line form the original point, through the centre to the new point.

How is the perimeter and the size change factor related?

If you change the scale factor of a geometric figure by a factor "x", that is, keeping the new figure similar to the old one, the perimeter (which is also a linear measurement) will change by the SAME factor "x".Note that any area will change by a factor of x squared.

What scale factor doubles the size of a figure?

Depends what you mean by the "size" of the figure.To double the linear dimensions of the figure ===> Multiply the linear dimensions by 2.To double the area of the figure ===> Multiply the linear dimensions by sqrt(2). (1.4142)

The scale factor of a figure is 1.8 One side of the larger figure is 12cm How long is the corresponding size of the smaller figure?

At a scale of 1.8 to 1, the corresponding length on the smaller figure is 6 2/3 cm (6.66 cm) 12 cm is approximately 1.8 times 6.66 cm

What is the copier size factor if the scale factor is 2?


How 2 find scale factor?

A scale factor of 2 means everything is shown in half the size of the original.