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Q: What is a simple close figure with sides that are line segment?
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What is a segment that helps connect the midpoints of two sides of a figure?

There is no specific name.

What is a close figure two dimensional figure with straight sides?

A sphere

What is close figure?

I do not know but: A closed figure is a figure with sides all around. (if the sides were fences and you were on the inside you could not get out witout climbing a fence)

What is a close plane figure founded by segments which are the sides?


What figure which is made up of line segment called sides and joined at endpoints called vertices?

Well a triangle has 3 sides and vertices.

What is a close figure having 4 sides and 4 angles?

A square...?

Is a figure 8 a simple closed figure?

no, but an eight sided figure you could use is an octagon. a figure 8 may be a figure and closed but, it has no sides and no line segments.

What is a simple closed figure made up of line segments called?

a polygon

What is a closed straight sided figure where sides do not overlap?

A simple polygon is a closed, straight-sided figure in which the sides do not overlap.

What is the definiton of a heptagon?

A heptagon is a 2-dimentional closed figure with seven sides, each side being a line segment

What is a simple closed figure formed by three or more segments called?

A simple closed figure formed by three or more segments is called a polygon. Regardless of how many sides a polygon has, all polygons will have as many vertices as it has sides.

What is a close plane figure with 3 or more sides?

It is a 'many sided' polygon