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Q: What is a triangle used in pool games?
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How do you set up a triangle on a pool table?

by using a pool triangle rack

What angle is the triangle in pool?

acute triangle

Is the Bermuda triangle a whirl pool?

The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary triangle.

What does the triangle in pool look like?

it looks like a triangle

What happens to the Olympic pool when all games finish?

Still used as an Olympic pool for practice and events.

Why do you think that the pool balls are set up in the shape of a triangle to start the game?

Why do you think that the pool balls are set up in the shape of a triangle to start the game?

What games should you play at a pool party?

Swimming pool games to play depend on the number of people, their ages and their ability to swim. There are lots of games that can be played in the pool for those who don't want to or can't swim well. Games like pool volleyball or basketball, pool jarts, frisbee games, or badminton. Other pool games include relay games and diving games.

Why did the right triangle go to the pool?

Because it was ninety degrees.

What is the fifth pool ball in the pool triangle?

The fifth ball in a pool ball triangle will dpend upon the game being played. In Straight Pool, it can be any of 13 different balls. Only the 1 and the 5 cannot be located there. In 8 Ball, the 5th ball must be the 8 ball.

What are the different type of pool games that one can play on a pool table?

There are many pool games that can be played on a pool table. Some pool table games include eight-ball, nine-ball, three-ball, one-pocket, and bank pool.

Where could one find free online pool games?

Miniclip, Pogo, Gamesheep, Daily Games, Free Online Games, Games Serpent, Mouse Breaker, and Pool Games Online are all websites that offer a version of pool games for people to play online.

What are some good swimming pool games to buy?

The most popular pool games are basketball and volleyball.You can also get the Pool Toss football throwing game and