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m = 60*n where m is the number of minutes.

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Q: What is an algebraic expression for the number of minutes in n hours?
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An hour is 60 minutes. Multiply the number of hours by 60 to find the number of minutes. To get from minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60.

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To convert minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60. Multiply the number of hours by 60 to convert hours to minutes.

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16. To find the number of hours created by a group of minutes, you have to divide the number of minutes by 60. To find number of minutes in a group of hours you have to multiply the number of hours by 60.

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How do I convert minutes into hours?

Divide the number of minutes by 60. This will give the number of hours.

How many minutes are in 68.9 hours?

You multiply the number of hours (68.9) by the number of minutes in an hour (60). That works out to 4,134 minutes.

How do you convert 1.33 minutes into hours?

To convert minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60.

How many hours in m minutes?

To get the number of hours after being given the number of minutes, you need to divide by 60. Thus, with m minutes, there is m/60 hours.