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I would suggest using Microsoft Excel. If you don't have it you can go to and get an open source version, which has many of the same features

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Q: What is an application you use to perform numeric calculation and to analyze and present numeric data?
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What is is an application you use to perform numeric calculations and to analyze and present numeric data?

Excel is a spreadsheet application.

An electronic is an application you use to perform numeric calculations and to analyze and present numeric data?

No, it is not.

What is an application you use to perform numeric calculations and to analyze and present numeric data in Excel?

Excel is a spreadsheet application.

What fields store numbers used to perform calculations?


Are medical assistants allowed to perform electrocardiograms?

A medical assistant can perform an ekg, but not analyze it.

Which software package perform what if calculation?

A spreadsheet (like Excel).

Why is an abacus considered one of the first computers?

Because many people do not understand the differencebetween a manual calculation aid, a calculator, and an automatic computer.A manual calculation aid is a manual device where the user needs to fully understand the calculation and how to manipulate the parts of the device to perform every step of the calculation. The user must perform every step of the calculation on the device himself by hand. An abacus is a manual calculation aid. A sliderule is also a manual calculation aid.A calculator is a manual device where the user needs to understand the calculation he wants to perform but the device can perform the detailed steps itself. The user must request each step of the calculation from the device by hand.A computer is an automatic device that once set up (programmed) will perform the calculation anytime it is needed, without any attention from the user and even if the user has no understanding of the problem at all (the designer of the program is the only one that had to understand the problem).

What is the difference between analyze and analysis?

Analyse is the verb and analysis is the noun.

What mathematical calculations can you perform with the numeric keypad?

With only a numeric keypad - none. You need at least some basic operations or functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

What is a formula that can perform more than one calculation at a time?

Many formulas can perform more than one calculation at a time. A simple example for Excel is =SUM(A1:A12,B14:B23,D6:D32) .

What is application suites functions?

The function of the suites application is to create presentations and perform numerical calculations.

How would you provide a specific solution to the formula or application?

To provide a specific solution to a formula or application, I would first identify the variables and parameters involved. Then, I would input the values given into the formula, perform the necessary calculations, and interpret the result in the context of the problem or application. Finally, I would explain the solution clearly, including any assumptions made or constraints applied during the process.