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TT=3.14159 so depending on what the length and with is it will be TT x what ever number than carry the decimal and all that stuff.

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Q: What is an equation used to find the length and with of a rectangle?
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How do you find the area of a cylander?

-- Slice it down one side and flatten it out. -- Now you have a rectangle. You only have to find the area of a rectangle. -- The area of a rectangle is (length) times (width). -- The length of the rectangle used to be the length of the cylinder. -- The width of the rectangle used to be the circumference of the cylinder's round ends, while it was still rolled up.

What is the equation used for calculating the area of a square or a rectangle?

Area=Length x width or A= L x W

How the formula for the area of a rectangle can be used to find the area of a square?

In the formula for the rectangle, put the width equal to the length.

What is the equation used for calculating the area of a square rectangle?

The area of a square (the word "rectangle" is redundant), with sides of length s units, is s^2 square units.

Where is the length of a rectangle?

The term "length" is usually used for the rectangle's longest side.

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Rydberg's equation is used to find wave length of spectral lines.

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Speed = Frequency * Wave length.

What is the Pythagorean equation and what can it be used for?

a2+b2=c2 ,it is used to find the length of the sides in a right triangle

What equation can be used to find the perimeter of the pentagon with sides of length?

You add the five lengths.

Why is length used?

Length is used for many reasons. Without length construction workers would never be able to build anything that was proportionate or stable. In a math problem you can you length multipled with width to find the area of a rectangle.

The length of a rectangle is 1 more than twice its width and the area of the rectangle is 45 what are the dimensions of the rectangle?

Assign the rectangle a width 'x'. From the data in the problem the height is then '2x+1'. Multiplying the two together gives the area of the rectangle, which we know to be 45. In equation for this is: x(2x+1) = 45 or 2x^2 + x = 45. The roots of this equation can then be found either through the quadratic equation or a calculator solver (I used the solver because I'm lazy) and the answers are x = -5 and x= 4.5. The rectangle has a width of 4.5 and a height of 10.

How do you determine length and width if given the area?

What geometric shape?Since you failed to mention the shape of the area, we will have to assume it's a rectangle of some sort. (Note that a square is a special case of rectangle.) There are an infinite number of rectangles that will contain a given area.length x width = areaOne equation like this cannot be used to find twounknown quantities. You would have to be given more information: perhaps the perimeter or either the width or the length, or perhaps you have been told the ratio of length to width.Alternatively, if you know that your rectangle is in fact a square, then its length and width equal the square root of the area.