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Q: What is an example of a consumer facing a problem in day to day life?
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Argentina is facing a huge problem with inflation, which makes it hard for the people to plan ahead in life.

Problem faced by consumer in everyday life?

cheted by shopkeepers and vendors by their unstandardised weights and measures.

What is an example of an everyday life problem?

An example of an everyday problem is Autocorrect while typing and also being In a public area with terrible sanitation.

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its a consumer its a consumer

What are example of consumer?

the example of consumer are:peoples and animals

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A Basketball Game.

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The trolley problem

What does it mean to stab a snake in your dream?

The snake most likely represents a problem or threat that you are facing right now in your life. Stabbing the snake demonstrates your effort and determination to solve the problem and/or eliminate the threat.

How does a sound outlook in life help the family is facing difficult problem?

You are able to analysis the problem and deal with it logically and not tolerate your emotions overrule your head. If you have a strong cause yourself to start with this helps tremendously.

What is the name given for the third consumer of plant life?

The third level of consumer is called the tertiary consumer.

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During an interview when a prospective employer ask you for a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem, you want to provide them with a real-life situation that you had. Give them an example of a problem that you were able to solve with the pertinent details.