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A transitive relation is which objects of a similar nature are the same. An example is if a and b are the same, and if b and c are the same; then a and c are the same.

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Q: What is an example of a transitive relationship?
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Can you give me an example of the transitive verb rise?

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transitive verb : to bring into a mutual relationintransitive verb : to have a mutual relationship

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A=r mod z R= a relation which is reflexive symmetric but not transitive

What does transitive mean in parts of speech?

Transitive nouns don't exist. There are, however, transitive verbs. Transitive verbs must have a direct object. For example, "holds" is a transitive verb because it requires a direct object. "She holds" is not a complete thought, but "she holds flowers" is.

Example of transitive verbs?

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What is an example of the simple tense using transitive verb?

Transitive means that the verb needs something to go to... For example: I open... needs something after- for example 'a door' or 'the box'. So, a lot of verbs are transitive. We always eat something (He eats bread). An example of a intransitive verb would be 'sleep', because we don'r sleep something, but we do eat something: He sleeps every night. To summarise; A transitive verb needs an object, an intransitive verb doesn't.

What is a transitive verb?

A verb that requires one or more objects. For example, 'he bought a car', so 'bought' is the transitive verb with the object 'car'.

What is the difference between the transitive property and the reflexive property of congruence?

transitive means for example, "if a=b and b=c, then a=c". reflexive means for example, "a=a, b=b, c=c, etc."

Is fly a transitive verb?

No, a transitive verb is a verb describing a change of state. For example, to wake up is transitive verb as it is the act of going from being asleep to being awake. To fly is a verb of movement.

Fill in the syllogism. If ab and bc then a?

The answer will depend on whether or not the relationship between the pairs of variables is transitive. In mathematics, not all relationships are transitive.For example, if the relationship is "is coprime with", then2 is coprime with 3, 3 is coprime with 4 but 2 is certainly not coprime with 4.

Is measure a transitive verb?

It is transititve. For example, I measured the water in the beaker.