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Q: What is an example of identity property of additive?
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What is an example of identity property?

0 is the additive identity for numbers and the identity property is illustrated by 1+0 = 1

Additive identity example?

The additive identity property states that any number plus zero is that number. For example: 5 + 0 = 5.

1X88 is an example of what property?

The Identity Property, Multiplicative Identity I think it's called... the Additive Identity Property is the number 0... asi: 0+88.

What is the additive identity property?

when you add

Which property adding 0 to any number leaves it unchanged for example a plus 0 equals a?

Additive identity property

What does additive identity property mean?


What is the definition of additive identity property?

The additive identity states that "Any number plus zero is equal to the original number."A + 0 = AHere is an example: 8+0=8 or 25+0=25

What property states that adding 0 to a number does not change the number?

It is the additive identity property of zero.

Is -8 8 80 8 the additive identity property?

No, -8 8 80 8 is not the additive identity property. The additive identity property states that for any number a, the sum of a and zero is equal to a. So, 0 is the additive identity, not -8 8 80 8.

What is Additive Identity Property?

The additive identity for a set is a number (denoted by 0) such that a + 0 = 0 + a = a for all elements a which belong to the set.

What addition property is shown by the equation 373 plus 0 equals 373?

This is the identity property: the additive identity property of zero.

What does the word Additive Identify Property of 0?

Identity properties do not change a number. What can you add to a number that doesn't change it? 0 So the addition property for zero is additive identity.