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Q: What is base x height equals area the formula for?
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What is the formula of the area of a triangle?

Area equals 1/2 of the base times the height.

What is the formula for finding area?

The area of a rectangle is A=bh (area equals base times height)The area of a triangle is A=(bh)/2 (area equals half base times height)The area of a circle is A=πr^2 (area equals pi times the square of the radius.

How can you find the height of aparallelogram by using area and base?

You can find the height of a parallelogram given the area and base measures by working backwards from the area formula. The area of a parallelogram is found with the formula: Area = Base * Height To solve this equation for Height, we divide both sides by the base. Area / Base = (Base * Height) / Base Simplify: Area / Base = Height

What is the difference between A equals lw and A equals bh?

Area=1/2 base x height is the formula for a triangle. Area = length x width is the formula for a square or rectangle.

What is a equals one-half bh?

This is the formula for area of a triangle. Area of triangle = 1/2 x area of base x height

The formula of the area of a triangle?

The formula of the area of a triangle is Base * Height / 2

Formula to find the height of a triangle?

1/2*base*height = area height = (2*area)/base

How is the formula for the area of a triangle related to the formula for an area of a parallelogram?

Area of a triangle = 0.5*base*perpendicular height Area of a parallelogram = base*perpendicular height

What is the area of a triangle with base equals 6 height equals 4?

Area = 1/2*base*height = 12 square units.

What is the base of a triangle if area equals 55.5 and height equals 9.25?

For a triangle, Area = Base * Height So 55.5 = Base * 9.25 Base = 55.5/9.25 = 6

What is the formulas of rectangle square and triangle?

Area formulas? Area of a rectangle equals base*height Area of a square equals side*side Area of a triange equals 1/2 * base* height

The area of a parallelogram is 288 square inches If the height is 12 inches how long is the base?

The formula for the area of a parallelogram is A = base x height, therefore the formula for the base is: base = A ÷ height base = 288in2 ÷ 12in base = 24in