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three fourths is bigger.

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Q: What is bigger three fourths or 0.2?
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Which is bigger one halve or three fourths?

three fourths.

What is bigger one half or three fourths?

Three fourths

Which is bigger three fourths or two fourths?

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Is three eights bigger than three fourths?

no because the fourths are bigger pieces and when you shade in three pieces it's almost full

What is bigger three-fourths or one-half?

Three fourths is 3/4 whereas one half is 1/2 or 2/4 (two fourths) So three is bigger than two.

Is one half bigger than three fourths?

One half is equal to two fourths. And since three is bigger than two most of the time, no, it's not bigger.

Is one fourths or three eighths greater?

Three eighths is bigger.

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Which is bigger fourfifths or three fourths?

4/5 is bigger then 3/4

Is two fifths bigger than three fourths?

No, two fifths is smaller the three fourths. It would only be 8/20ths while three fourths would be 15/20ths.

Which is bigger three fourths or five eighths?

Answer Three fourths (or three quarters) is the same as six eighths, so it's one eighth bigger.