

What is cost of 1000 bricks?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is cost of 1000 bricks?
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What would be the cost of 4300 bricks?

The cost of 1 brick multiplied by 4300. E.g. 10p bricks would cost £430 (10 * 4300 = 43000p = £430)

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They both weigh 1000 pounds, exactly the same. They both weigh 1000 pounds, exactly the same.

1000 brick will cover how much floor area?

This depends on the size of the bricks. If the bricks are the same shape and size and a rectangle then they will cover their length*width*1000. If the bricks aren't the same size and shape then you would need to know the dimensions of each brick.

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1000 km

Find out an old brick cost is Rs 1400 for one thousand bricks new bricks cost Rs 2000 for one thousand bricks. If Ramlal bought 500 new bricks how much did he pay?

This question makes no scense therefor no one can awnser it

Could you build a garage out of 1000 bricks?

yes but a verry small one

How many 4 by 8 bricks are needed to cover 1000 sqft?

Math says 4 1/2 4"x8" bricks are needed to cover 1 sq. ft. So 9 bricks will cover 2 sq ft. That needs to happen 500 times so you need 9x500 or 4500 bricks sized 4"x8" to cover 1000 sq ft.

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if 1000 gallons cost 3.04 then 1000 ÷ 1000 gallons cost 3.04 ÷ 1000 → 1 gallon costs 0.00304 units.

If 10 men take 6 days to lay 1000 bricks then how many days will it take 20 men working at the same rate to lay 5000 bricks?

15 days