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An outlier.

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Q: What is data instance that is not typical for a given set of data?
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Related questions

How can you describe what is typical about a set of data?

the averaged amount of the data given to you

How can you describe what is typical about the distribution of a set of data?

The answer will depend on the set of data!

What is A number that tells the typical value of data in a set called?

Average is the number that tells the typical value of data in a set.

What is the value that is not typical of most other values in a data set?

The value that is not typical of most other values in a data set is an Outlier.

What is the difference between typical and average number?

An average number is most commonly defined as the quotient of the sum of all numbers in a set and the total numbers in the set. A typical value for a set of data is usually given by the average (mean) or median.

Set of data or program instructions that has been given a name?

file is a set of data and program that has been given a name

What is the measure of most typical scores in a set of data?


What does mode for the set of data mean?

The mode of the data is the number which occurs most frequently in the given set of data.

What is the difference between the greatest number and the least number in a given set of data?

depends on what the given set is

How mean of a data set is always one of the data points in a set of data. Explain?

The mean of a set of data is the sum of all those data values, divided by the numbers of values in the set. For instance, if we had 1, 3 and 5, the mean would be (1+3+5)/3 = 3. The mean doesn't always have to be one of the data points in the set. For instance, if we had the data 1, 6, 7, 7, 8. The mean would be (1+6+7+7+8)/5 = 5.8, even though 5.8 isn't one of the values in the set.

What is the Difference between instance and physical database?

The terms instance and database are closely related, but don't refer to the same thing. The database is the set of files where application data (the reason for a database) and meta data is stored. An instance is the software (and memory) that Oracle uses to manipulate the data in the database. In order for the instance to be able to manipulate that data, the instance must open the database. A database can be opened (or mounted) by more than one instance, however, an instance can open at most one database.

For a given data set the mean and median are always nearly equal?
