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Q: What is diction according to Aristotle?
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According to Aristotle there are six elements of tragedy. The first is plot, then character, then thought, diction song and spectacle.

What four elements comprise a tragedy?

Aristotle identifies six elements: plot, character, thought, diction, song, and spectacle.

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According to Aristotle, confidence is the opposite of fear.

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According to Aristotle, a good government is for the people and of the people.

What does the use of words such as welfare and liberty in the preamble show?

Diction Apex ;)

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The constituents of tragedy of Aristotle are (a) Plot, (b) Character, (c) Thought, (d) Diction, (e) Music and (f) Spectacle.

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According to Politics by Aristotle he preferred politeia, or constitutional government.

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What is political science according to Aristotle?

Aristotle defined political science as the study of the organization and functions of the state. He believed that politics was the highest science because it dealt with the common good and aimed at the flourishing of individuals within a community. Aristotle's political science focused on the ideal state and the principles of governance that promote justice and virtue.

What did arisotle call the six parts of tragedy?

Aristotle's six parts of tragedy are: 1) Plot 2) Characters 3) Diction 4) Thought 5) Spectacle 6) Melody