

Best Answer

Adv. is accelerated most likely.

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Q: What is difference between algebra and advanced algebra?
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algebra 2 is more advanced

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Algebra A and B Are Only The Beginning Of An algebra Level

What is the difference between pre-algebra and algebra 2?

Pre-algebra is where you just learn the basics of Algebra and Algebra two is way more advanced with new information and taking the concepts you learned in pre-algebra and algebra to the next level.

What is the difference between intermidiate algebra and advanced algebra?

intermediate algebra is like medium difficulty. advanced algebra is harder for some people. that comes down to opinion... but advanced algebra teaches a more difficult or higher level math. its kind of like learning high school math in middle school, or college math in high school.

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advanced algebra is hard simple algabra is easy

What is the difference between algebra one and algebra two?

A harder version of algebra 1

What is the difference between mathematics and algebra?

Algebra is a form (or subset) of mathematics.

Is there is any difference between -algebra and operator algebra?

Only the word "operator"

What is the difference between integrated algebra and algebra 1?

Algebra 1 is a class/course that is on a higher level than Algebra.

What is the difference between algebra 1a and algebra 1b?

algebra 1a is the first part of algebra 1 and algebra 1b is the second part. :)

What is the difference between Algebra 2 and Integrated Algebra?

there is no such thing as Integrated Algebra 2 but they represent the same concept

What is the difference between Algebra 2 and Integrated Algebra 2?

there is no such thing as Integrated Algebra 2 but they represent the same concept