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Directly proportional relationship is F=ma, F is directly proportional to a.

Inversely proportional relationship is v=r/t, v is inversely proportional to t.

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Q: What is directly and inversely proportional relationship?
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Neither. The relationship is not that simple.

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Directly proportional. Greater speed - greater distance.

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Volume is directly proportional to temperature for gases, meaning that as temperature increases, the volume of a gas will also increase. This relationship is described by Charles's Law.

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No, temperature and concentration of oxygen are not inversely proportional. Changes in temperature can affect the solubility of oxygen in water, but the relationship is not strictly inverse. The solubility of oxygen generally decreases with increasing temperature.

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The statement current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance is known as Ohm's Law.

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It is true in the case of inversely proportional relationship.

How do you tell if a math table is inversely proportional or directly proportional?

Generally, if y increases as x increases, this is a hint that the quantity is directly proportional, and if y decreases as x increases, the relation might be inversely proportional. However, this is not always the case. x and y are directly proportional if y = kx, where k is a constant. x and y are inversely proportional if y = k/x, k is constant. This is the best way to tell whether the quantities are directly or inversely proportional.

Which of the three variables that apply to equal amounts of gases are directly proportional Which are inversely proportional?

Directly proportional: pressure and temperature (Boyle's Law and Charles's Law), inversely proportional: volume and pressure (Boyle's Law), volume and temperature (Charles's Law).

A term used to describe the relationship between two variables whose product is constant?

The relationship between two variables whose ration is a constant value is a directly proportional relationship. An example of this is the ideal gas law, PV = nRT. Pressure and volume are directly proportional to the number of molecules of an ideal gas present ad the temperature.

When the ratio of two variables is constant their relationship can be described as a inversely proportional b inerdependent c dirctly proportional d parallel?

c, but the word is DIRECTLY, not dirctly!