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Q: What is force times distance traveled?
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Force times the distance traveled in the direction of that force is referred to as?

Force applied times the distance traveled is work or energy. Think about it...You apply a force to an object, say: push a crate, and you move it a distance. What has been done?? Work. Work is equivalent to energy and is measured in Newton-meters (Nm) or Joules (J).

Is there any difference in the work done as you change the force or the distance traveled?

Work is basically the product of force and distance traveled, so if any of the two (force, distance) change, the work will change as well.

What is force times distance equals?

Force times distance equals work.

What does work equals force times?

Force times Distance equals Work

If you have a force acting on an object for a certain period of time how can you find the distance traveled?

There are two ways to find the distance traveled. One is to measure the distance traveled. The other is to measure the distance raveled within a certain amount of time and then multiply to find how far it will travel in the future.

What mechanisms most likely to be used to multiply the speed and distance traveled of the load moved in relations to force?

To increase speed and distance traveled of a load in relation to force, mechanisms such as using gears, pulleys, or inclined planes can be employed. Gears can increase speed by transferring force between different sized gears, while pulleys can increase distance traveled by changing the direction of the force applied. Inclined planes reduce the force required to move a load over a longer distance.

Is product of force times distance?

Force times distance is called "Work" for the purposes of physics.

What is the relationshipbetween force and distance?

Work is defined as force times distance.

How do find the distance traveled by time taken?

Distance = (rate)(time). Where distance is equal to the rate times the time.

How do you find the effort force if you already have the load force and the distance moved by load force?

work (effort) equals load times distance

For a machine with a mechanical advantage of 3 how does the distance through which the output force is exerted differ from the distance through which the input force is exerted?

In a machine with a mechanical advantage of 3, the output force is exerted over a shorter distance compared to the distance over which the input force is exerted. The output force is three times greater than the input force but is exerted over a third of the distance traveled by the input force due to the principle of work conservation.

How work force and distance related?

Work = force x distance traveled (only when the force and distance are acting in the same direction)