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On a level surface, the gravitational potential energy will remain constant. If you start travelling down a hill then a proportion of the gravitational energy will change to kinetic energy. If you were to drive off a cliff, then all of the gravitational potential energy would convert into kinetic energy.

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What energy transformation happens when a person lifts a chair?

You are using chemical energy produced in your muscles to lift a weight against gravity, which means the weight gains gravitational potential energy

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By using chemicals in a rocket engine to raise a vehicle high above the earth's surface, the vehicle will gain gravitational potential energy. It will also gain kinetic energy, depending on what trajectory it follows

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Once you have the gravitational potential energy required to move an object a certain distance away from the Earth, you simply plug it into the formula for the kinetic energy, and solve for speed.

What is an example of potential stored energy?

If a rock is balanced on the edge of a cliff if has gravitational potential energy because it could gain kinetic energy (movement) which no input of energy. as the rock fall the gravitational potential energy is turned into kinetic energy as it runs out of height to speed up in. Batteries have electrical potential energy because they can give an electrical current by using up their power. Hydrocarbons like wood, fat and oil have chemical potential energy because they can give off heat and light energy when they are chemically reacted (combusted/burned). A spring has elastic potential energy because it can go from not moving to moving without being pushed or thrown, it converts the tension in it's fibres into kinetic energy while trying to return to it's original shape. I hope this answer is useful to you.

What does the gravitational potential energy of an object depend on?

It depends on the mass of the object, the local value of acceleration of gravity, and the object's height above the elevation you're using for your zero-potential-energy reference level.

How can potential energy be turned into kinetic energy in a every day life?

Yes, because you move in everyday life and moving includes using energy

Is potential energy measured in consumption or expenditure?

Potential energy is stored energy. It has nothing to do with consuming or using energy - although you need to use some other energy to increase an object's potential energy. For example, in the case of gravitational potential energy, an object above ground level (or any other reference level chosen) has a positive potential energy, while an object below ground level has a negative potential energy.

What states use gravitational potential energy?

All 50 of them do. It caught on as soon as it was invented, and just about everyone immediately started using it.

What is a storing gravitational potential energy?

Height. potential energy is calculated using W = M * G * H W- Work (joules) M- Mass (kilograms) G- Gravity (acceleration in m/s^2) H- Height (Meters) The higher the object is from the point of reference, the more potential energy it will have.

What increases pontenial energy?

There are different types of potential energy, so it really depends what potential energy you are talking about. Gravitational potential energy can be calculated as the product of mass, gravity, and height, so you can increase it by using a greater mass, or placing it at a greater height above the reference level (for example, above the ground level).

What is the equation for gravitational potential energy when using weight?

GPE = Weight * Height (in suitable units) where the height is measured from some arbitrary reference point.

How do you convert electrical energy into gravitational potential energy?

You could for example drive an electric train up a mountain track, or you could raise a heavy weight using an electric crane.