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8/15 would be more than one half because 7.5 is half of fifteen

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Q: What is greater eight fifteenths or one half?
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Is one half greater or less than fourtenn fifteenths?

1/2 is less than 14/15

How many fifteenths are in one half?

Seven and a half.

What is greater 2 and one half yd or eight feet?

Eight feet is greater.

One third plus one fifth?

8/15, 8 fifteenths

Is eleven fifteenths closer to one half or 1?

It is nearer to one half.

IS .48 greater than 0.432?

Yes. The more digit spaces,the smaller portion of a single numeral it is. 1.5 is one half, but 1.15 is one and one fifteenths.

How many fifteenths in one half?

7.5/15 = 1/2, so there are 7.5 fifteenths in one half.

Is five eight greater then one half?

Yes. 5 of 8 is greater than 4 of 8.

How many fifteenths in a half?

Seven and one-half fifteenths (7.5 fifteenths). **************************************** A bit more explanation: 15 ÷ 2 = 7.5 (Note: a fifteenth is the same as cutting a pie into 15 slices. So simply divide the whole pie by 2.)

Can one cake be split into portions of one third three ninths and eight fifteenths?

No, after you've cut one-third and three-ninths, which is another third, there are only five-fifteenths left!