

What is infinity minus one equal to?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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infinity is any number but usually 27 it can always be alive and dead and it is a fish

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Q: What is infinity minus one equal to?
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Is infinity equal to minus 1?

technically, infinity is not a value and therefore cannot be defined as minus 1. There is a notion that infinity does not actually exist but only a human myth applied to those values larger than the human can calculate eg the size of the universe. Quoting Hawkins phrase "the universe stretches on infinitely" shows that infinity is not minus one. Therefore, infinity is not equal to minus 1.

Does infinity minus infinity equal zero?

you would think it be would but infinity is not a number but a theory so not being a number is can not be used with equations symbols like plus, minus, times etc.

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minus infinity

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Infinity is a concept, not a number. Even if it were considered such, infinity plus one is also infinity, and so infinity minus one is still infinity.

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Yes, to the left (towards minus infinity).Yes, to the left (towards minus infinity).Yes, to the left (towards minus infinity).Yes, to the left (towards minus infinity).

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it is negative infinity minus one

What is infinity divided by 5?

Infinity divided by any finite number is infinity. Here are the rules: 1. Infinity divided by a finite number is infinite (I / f = I); 2. Any finite number divided by infinity is a number infinitesimally larger than, but never equal to, zero (f / I = 1 / I); 3. Infinity divided by infinity is one (I / I = 1), or in fact any other positive number (I / I = and so on...); 4. Infinity multiplied by zero (no infinity) is zero (I * 0 = 0); 5. Infinity divided by a positive finite number is infinity (I / +f = I); 6. Infinity divided by a negative finite number is minus infinity (I / -f = -I); 7. Infinity divided by zero is not possible; 8. Infinity plus infinity is infinity (I + I = I); 9. Zero divided by infinity (nothing divided into infinity) equals zero (0 / I = 0); 10. Infinity plus a finite number is infinity (I + f = I); 11. Infinity minus a finite number is infinity (I - f = I); but 12. Infinity minus infinity, due to the nature of infinity, can be zero, infinity, or minus infinity (I - I = -I, 0, I).

What is 1 minus infinity?

Any specific number minus infinity is -∞ Note if you try to subtract infinity from infinity, the answer is undefined - because infinity is a "cardinality" rather than a specific number.

What is a least whole number?

Your choice : one(1) or minus infinity.

What is infinity is divided by infinity?

1To touch on this whatever you take and divide by the same number will always give you one.2Infinity divided by infinity is not equal to 1, But it is undefined, not another infinity. This would help you:First, I am going to define this axiom (assumption) that infinity divided by infinity is equal to one:∞-∞= 1Since ∞ = ∞ + ∞, then we are going to substitute the first infinity in our axiom:∞ + ∞---∞= 1The next step is to split this fraction into two fractions:∞-∞+ ∞-∞= 1Next, substitute the axiom twice into the equation, we get:1 + 1 = 1Finally, this can be rewritten as:2 = 1Therefore, infinity divided by infinity is NOT equal to one. Instead we can get any real number to equal to one when we assume infinity divided by infinity is equal to one, so infinity divided by infinity is undefined.

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the value of log0 is -infinity which is minus of infinity

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As difficult as it is to understand, Infinity minus 1 is still Infinity.