

What is inverse proportion?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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13y ago

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Inverse proportion is when one value increases, as the other decreases. For example the number of builders building a wall and the number of days it takes to build a wall are 2 quantities in inverse proportion because the more builders there are, the less time it takes to build the wall (there are more people working on it, so it will be built quickly). As the number of builders increases, the number of days to build the wall decreases. This is inverse proportion.

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As one value increases, the other decreases; so, if you double one number you have to halve the other number

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Take few examples from daily life to explain the concept of inverse proportion'?

The more people there are to share a pizza, the smaller each person's portion will be. This is an example of inverse proportion - as the number of people increases, the size of each person's portion decreases. In traffic, as the number of cars on the road increases, the speed at which each car can travel decreases. This is another example of inverse proportion - as the density of cars increases, the speed of the cars decreases. Similarly, when watering plants, the more plants you have to water, the less water each plant will receive. This is an example of inverse proportion - as the number of plants increases, the amount of water each plant receives decreases.

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directindirectand..inverse??..(not sure..)

How do you solve the proportion of something?

There cannot be a "proportion of something": proportion is a relationship between two things, and how you solve it depends on whether they (or their transformations) are in direct proportion or inverse proportion.

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