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Q: What is line of best fit and what does it look like?
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What does a line of best fit tell you about data on scatterplot?

It tells you that if there were a linear relationship between the two variables, what that relationship would look like and also how much the observations differed from that linear fit.

Why does the line of best fit have to start from 0?

The line of best fit does not have to start from 0.

Is the best fit line the same as the line of best fit?

Yes but phrased differently

What is a line of best fit on a line graph?

The line that minimized the sum of the squares of the diffences of each point from the line is the line of best fit.

What is a line that is not a line but is almost a line?

A line of best-fit.

Why does best fit line does not touch all data points?

Because the "best fit" line is usually required to be a straight line, but the data points are not all on one straight line. (If they were, then the best-fit line would be a real no-brainer.)

What is the difference between a trend line and a line of best fit and how are they useful in analyzing data?

What is the difference between a trend line and a line of best fit

How do you draw a best fit line?

As I know, it is like this... From the bottom point you have put, you connect it till the end point with just a straight line. You don't follow every points as that isn't line of best fit. Hope that did help! :)

Why is a best fit line used?

The line of best fit is the best possible answer you can get from raw data. They also can be used to make predictions.

Does the line of best fit have to start from the origin?

The line of best fit does not have to pass through the 0 (origin) and rarely does

What is the process of finding line of best fit called?

Finding the line of best fit is called linear regression.

What is a best-fit-line?

A best-fit line is the straight line which most accurately represents a set of data/points. It is defined as the line that is the smallest average distance from the data/points. Refer to the related links for an illustration of a best fit line.