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The median of those numbers is 78. There are 18 numbers and when they are in numerical order the two middle ones are 76 and 80, so halfway between them is 78.

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It is 78.

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Q: What is median 76 54 92 88 76 88 75 93 92 68 88 76 76 88 80 70 88 72?
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What is the median in 70 68 72 65 70?

Median is 70 The median is the middle number once you have reordered the sequence (therefore, 72 is not the median). The mode is the most common number The mean is the average.

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71 is the median of those numbers.

What is the median of 76 54 92 88 76 88 75 93 92 68 88 76 76 88 80 70 88 and 72?

The median is 78.

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What is the median of 54 and 72?

Median is: (54+72)/2 = 63.

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It is 68, the number in the middle when they are arranged in order.

What median of 76 54 92 88 76 88 75 93 92 68 88 76 76 88 80 70 88 72?


What is the median of 76 54 92 88 75 93 92 68 88 76 76 88 80 70 88 72?

Sort the numbers into numerical order:54, 68, 70, 72, 75, 76, 76, 76, 80, 88, 88, 88, 88, 92, 92, 93The median is the middle number which as there are 16 numbers is the mean of the middle two (highlighted above):median = (76 + 80) ÷ 2 = 78.

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What is the range of 70 68 70 72 68 66?

The range is 72 minus 66 = 6

What is the range median mode mean of 72 93 57 72 46 68?

First of all place the numbers in rank order. Hence 46,57,68,72,72,93. RANGE; is the difference between the highest and lowest numbers, which is 93-46 = 47 MEDIAN: is the absolute mid-point. Since there is no absolute mid-point, we take the two middle numbers , add them and divide by '2'. Hence. ( 68+72)/2 = 70 MODE: is the term that occurs most frequently. In this case '72'. as there are two of them , but only one each of the other terms. MEAN; Add all the terms and divide by the number of terms. (46+57+68+72+72+93) / 6 = 408/6 = 68

What is the average of 68 70 and 72?

The average is 70.