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Q: What is one of two or more reference lines that mark the borders of a graph?
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What One of two or more reference lines that mark the borders of a graph?

Ordinate & abscissa

How do you construct a proper graph?

Draw two lines at right angles. Mark them at equal intervals. Write sequential numbers at each mark with negative numbers extending down and left if you are going to use those sections.

Why are borders and boundaries used?

they are used to mark different territories. Like the borders and boudries for the states.

What does to graph a point mean?

Mark the position of the point on the graph according to the coordinates of the point that are given (or calculated).

Ways to display data?

pie chart , pictograph , line graph , bar graph , tally mark , triangular graph ect

Is a number line a graph?

Not by itself. It is only the framework. But as soon as you mark up one point on it it becomes a graph.

What is so good about having borders in the us?

to mark territory

What do the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer mark?

The borders of the tropics

When geographic realms meet mark their contacts.?

Boundaries or Borders

Is the scale on the graph?

The scale on a graph is the relation between the units of measurement that are being used. This is where you mark different positions on the axis.

The lines that mark a soccer field are called?

The lines that mark a soccer field are touch lines, goal lines, the halfway line, the center circle, corner arcs, goal area lines, penalty area lines, and penalty arcs.

How did John the Baptist die in the gospel of Mark and its reference?

John the Baptist was beheaded. The reference is Mark 6:14-29. To read Mark 6:14-29 visit the Related Link.