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Q: What is one way to use a line plot?
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One way to organize raw data is by using a?

line plot

What is a line plot in math?

A line plot in math is a way that you can organize data like the letters in your first name, you can put this info in a line plot. This is an example of one: Length of people in my family x x x ______________ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How are a line plot and frequency table different?

Wrong: 1) They are not the same 2) they are similar 3) A line plot plot on the number line and a frequency table doesn't have to Answer: But they both show the data in an easy-to-read way

How do you plot points on a coordinate graph?

One way is to pick two values of x, and put into the equation to determine the associated y value. Plot these two (x,y) points, then use a straight edge to connect the dots and continue the line beyond. Another way would be to find the slope and the y-intercept, then plot from the point of intercepting the y-axis using the slope (rise/run).

How do he graph linear equations?

Two ways: Way 1: Find two points on the line, graph, and extend line. Way 2: Put the equation in slope-intercept form, plot the constant, use the slope to find the next point(s). Extend the line.

What is a outlier in a line plot?

a number that is way different than all the other ones

What is a word you can use that means to plan or plot in a secret way?

The word could be: plot; connive; scheme.

Why is a Line Graph a Good Way to Plot Information?

its good because it easy to read i think

How do you solve linear equations by graphing them?

Assuming you want to plot two linear equations, you plot the graphs of both, and look where they intersect. One way to plot a linear equation is to convert it to the form y = ax + b; in this case, a is the slope, and b is the y-intercept - the coordinates where the line crosses the y-axis.

What is a parallel plot?

A parallel plot is two different stories going on in the same book that are similar to each other. One plot might be about a boy on his way to school, and the other could be about a girl on her way to school.

What is the purpose of ascatter plot?

A scatter plot is one way of attempting to reveal or display the relationship between two variables.

What is a easy way to extend a telephone line?

You can use an in-line coupler to extend a telephone line.