

What is palindrome examples?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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madam, kayak, level, rotor

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Q: What is palindrome examples?
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Can you get some palindromes examples?

Of course! Palindrome is a word that can be read backwards aswell as fore, Search palindrome or look at my examples:RACECARA latin palindrome: In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni

What is a palindrome for an ancient king?

A palindrome is a word that reads the same if read forwards or backwards. Some examples are civic, level, rotor, and radar.

What is a palindrome for a female name?

A palindrome for a female name is a name that remains the same when spelled forwards and backwards. Examples of palindrome names for females include Hannah, Ava, Anna, and Ada.

What palindrome means recommend?

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or any sequence of characters that reads the same forwards and backwards. An example of a palindrome word is "level." I recommend exploring websites or books dedicated to palindromes for more examples and fun facts.

Examples of palindromes of numbers?

an example of a palindrome is 1661. Palindrome: a number that reads the same from left to right snd right to left. it is just like s word that is spelt the same backwards except in numbers. examples: 276672 121 19791

What is the name for words that read the same backwards or forwards?

The words you listed are examples of palindromes.

What is it called when a word can be flipped around and still be the same as it was before?

The term for a word that can be flipped around and still read the same is "palindrome." Examples include "racecar" and "madam."

Is the word minimum a palindrom?

No, 'minimum' is not a palindrome. A palindrome is a word that is the same spelled backwards as it is forward (examples: dad, mom, noon, Hannah, etc.).

What is a palindrome What are three examples?

A word that reads the same backwards and forwards. madam, level, rotor

What are examples of 3 digit numbers that transform into palindromes?

Any, and every, number can be transformed into a palindrome.

Is 'runner' an example of a palindrome?

no u and e are different runnur or renner would be examples, if they were words

What is the number palindrome?

A number that is always the same forward and backwards no matter what (examples: 2662, 74247)