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Q: What is property in math term?
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What does the math term associative mean?

The associative property of math refers to grouping. This property states that you can group numbers (move the parenthesis) anyway and the result will remain the same.

What math term is the property that states that if you multiply a sum by a number you will get the same result if you multiply each addend by the number and then the products?

distributive property

What does the math term of commutative mean?

having the property that one term operating on a second is equal to the second operating on the first, as a × b = b × a.

What is a commutitative property?

it is term refering to math ex:AxB=C so BxA=C in other words same numbers same answer

What are the math properties?

They are the associative property, distributive property and the commutative property.

What is a math term of running left to right?

there is no such math term

What is the math term for multiplcation?

The math term for multiplication is PRODUCT.

What is the math term for subset?

"Subset" IS the math term in this case.

What is zero property in math?

the zero property in math is when you multiply by zero which is the multiplicative property of zero or it is when you add zero to anything and get zero that is called the additive property of zero

What is the commutative property in math terms?

having the property that one term operating on a second is equal to the second operating on the first, as an example: 4x5=5x4 or 5x4=4x5 RATE MY ANSWER THE BESTEST OF ALL!!!!

What math property would 20x1 be?

Identity property of multiplication.

What is the name of the property in math when you move the parenthesis?

Distributive property