

What is range in math use?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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subtract the highest number from the lowestumber

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Q: What is range in math use?
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Range is defined as all possible y values in a relation.

What is range is math?

Range, when talking about math, is all the possible y values.

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the range is the maximum minus the minimum.

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An occupational therapist can use math in a variety of ways. They may keep track of the time a person spends in therapy, keep a balance of what is owed, or checking to see what the improvement was in a patient's range of motion.

Math the range?

To get the range in math, you take the lowest number in a set of numbers, and subtract it from the highest number. Example: 1,3,5,7,9 9-1=8 The range is 8 for this set of data.