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On the Cartesian plane a relfection in a line produces a mirror image

On the Cartesian plane a translation moves every point on a shape the same distance and in the same direction

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Q: What is reflection and translation in math?
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Related questions

What are the transformations in math?

translation, reflection, dilation

What is the difference between rules of translation and rules of reflection in math?

the difference is that in translation you slide the figure and in reflection you reflect the figure across the reflection line :)

What are the four transformations of math?

All four transformations are ......... Rotation,Translation , Reflection, and Dilation

Is a reflection and traslation in math the same?

No, a reflection is a flipped graph of the same object/function over a specified axis. A translation just moves it to a different coordinate, without flipping it.

Translation followed by a reflection in a line parallel to the translation vector?

Glide reflection

The composition of a translation and a reflection across a line parallel to the direction of translation?

Glide Reflection

What are the three transformations of math?

The 3 transformations of math are: translation, reflection and rotation. These are the well known ones. There is a fourth, dilation, in which the pre image is the same shape as the image, but the same size in the world

What is a reflection over a line called in math?

A reflection.

What is the definition of glide reflection?

A composite transformation which is a translation followed by a reflection in line parallel to the direction of translation

What is the Tagalog word for the word reflection?

Tagalog translation of REFLECTION: pagmumuni

Is it a glide-reflection rotation reflection or translation?

A glide reflection is where you reflect the shape and translate it. A glide rotation is where you rotate a shape and translate it. A glide translation doesn't exist.

The meaning of reflection the math term?

a reflection is the image of the object in a mirror