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The Center of curvature is 2 times the focal length.

By the way this is a physics question.

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Q: What is relation between focal length and radius of curvature in lenses?
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What does 75 -300 mm mean in relation to camera lenses?

This is a Zoom lens with a focal length of between 75 and 300 mm.

Lenses are engineered to have specific focal lengths Besides the curvature of the two sides of a lens what determines the focal length?

The material that the lens is made from.

Why do convex lenses have shorter focal lengths than thin convex lenses?

The convex lenses are converging lens so when the curvature of the lens increases the focal length will decrease which helps when looking up close. A thin convex lens is for seeing things from a distant.

If a telescope has an objective lens of 3 inches what is the focal length?

The size (diameter) of a lens does not determine its focal length. The amount of curvature of the lens does. Citing a diameter for a lens doesn't help us find the focal length. Lenses are ground to specifications that allow short or long focal length. The more curved the lens, the shorter the focal length. You can see this if we specify a given curvature and then start to "flatten" the lens. The focal length will get longer and longer as the lens is flattened. When the lens is flat (has to curvature) the lense has an infinite focal length, just like a piece of flat glass.

Do concave lenses have negative focal length?

Basically because, in a convex mirror, the curvature is the opposite of that of a concave mirror. It's bevaviour is opposite, too: incoming light is spread out, instead of being focussed.

How do modern microscopes use lenses to bend light?

The curvature of the lenses bends light so that the central part of the object appears magnified to a larger size.

Can spherical abberation be corrected by combination of lenses?

Spherical aberration can be minimized by several methods: Changing curvature of both surfaces of a lens allows sharp focus at a particular distance. Aspheric lenses - i.e. lenses with a special non-spherical profile, is another.

What is the name for the curved glass in spectacles?

The curved glass in a pair of spectacles is called a lens. You will find that most spectacles are fitted with plastic lenses rather than glass lenses. The curvature of the lens determines the power/prescription/lens strength. Lens thickness, weight and curvature will vary from person to person depending on what type of prescription they need.

What is the length of a telescope in normal adjustment?

At normal adjustment, the distance between the two lenses is equal to the sum of the focal lengths of each lens.

What are diverging and converging lenses?

Lenses enable individuals to view objects. A Converging lens has a positive focal length, which facilitates the convergence of the exiting rays. While, diverging lenses have a negative focal length, which facilitates the divergence of the exiting rays.

What is the most common treatment for myopia?

Eyeglasses are the most common method used to correct myopia. Concave glass or plastic lenses are placed in frames in front of the eyes. The lenses are ground to the thickness and curvature specified in the eyeglass prescription

How are mirror and lenses similar?

Mirrors and lenses both reflect light. The only difference is that a lens creates a real image on the opposite side of the object whereas a mirror creates a real image on the same side as the object.