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Relative humidity is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapour to the saturation vapour pressure of water at the same temperature. Relative humidity depends on temperature and the pressure.

Very roughly speaking, it is a ratio of the amount of water vapour in the air compared to the total amount of water vapour that it possible for that air to contain.

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13y ago

amount of water in the air, compared to the amount the air can hold

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Q: What is relative humidity a ratio of?
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Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to?

Type your answer here... Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air to

If temperature remains unchanged and mixing ratio decreases how will relative humidity change?

The relative humidity will decrease

The measure of water vapor saturation of air is called what?

The answer is actually called: The mixing ratio.

How do relative humidity and mixing ratio differ?

Relative humidity indicates how near the air is to saturation, while mixing ratio shows the actual quantity of water vapor in the air.

Relative humidity is a ratio of?

Novanet question, rephrased to preserve good answer

Measure of humidity?

Relative humidity and is expressed as a percentage. Absolute humidity is expressed as a concentration - mg/L. Specific humidity is a ratio of masses - water to air in a finite volume.

If the specific humidity of air is 10 grams per kilogram and the capacity of the air is 50 grams per kilogram the relative humidity is?

Relative humidity is the ratio of specific humidity to the overall capacity. So in this case it is 10/50, or 20 percent.

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Relative humidity becomes the ratio between the actual amount of water vapor present to the capacity that the air has at a particular moment. Just to be an optimist, if the glass is half-filled, the relative humidity is 50 percent. If the glass is three-quarters filled, the relative humidity is 75 percent.

Which is the comparison of the amount of moisture in the air to the amount of moisture it can hold?

relative humidity

What does it mean when humidity is 100 percent?

This is called relative humidity. It is the ratio between the actual humidity, and the humidity for saturated air - that is, the maximum amount of water air can hold. This saturation point is dependent on temperature.

The ratio of water vapor in a volume of air relative to how much water vapor that volume of air is capable of holding is called?

Relative humidity

What is the comfortable room humidity?

Humidity ratio or relative humidity id the ratio of the actual mass of water vapour that would saturate the air at the same temperature, the comfortable room humidity is 50%.