

What is studied variables?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: What is studied variables?
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Independent Variables.

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How many variables should be studied in an ideal scientific experiment?

ONE :)

WHAT IS THE Difference between A t test and chi square?

t test is used when- a) variables are studied b)the size of sample is a small one.(n<30) chi square test is studied when a) attributes are studied

What two variables of gases did Robert Boyle study?

Robert Boyle studied elasticity gases and volume of the gas. He was a scientist.

What does a correlation coefficient of 0.8 mean?

It means that there is a strong positive association between changes in the two variables being studied. Positive association means that the two variables tend to increase together or decrease together. Note that there is no mention of a causal relationship between the variables.

Would the absence of independent variable imply a cause and effect relationship between 2 variables?

No, it would not. It is possible that the statistical model is under-specified and that the variables being studied are all "caused" by another variable.

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A causal hypothesis is a research that predicts cause and effects among variables to be studied and their relationships in arousal levels and performance.

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The length, width, and height of a sea anemone varies greatly. These variables differ based on age and on the species of sea anemone studied.

Gregor Mendel's studies?

Gregor Mendel studied genetics by observing generation of pea plants. By altering a single factor there were no changes first generation, but by second generation the variables were exposed.

What is the appropriate definition analoge computer?

A computer or computational device in which the problem variables are represented as continuous, varying physical quantities. An analog computer implements a model of the system being studied. The physical form of the analog may be functionally similar to that of the system, but more often the analogy is based solely upon the mathematical equivalence of the interdependence of the computer variables and the variables in the physical system.

Why are graphs useful in science?

graphs give a trend of variables and the trend can be studied using the the extent they usually portray and the graphs are not emperical methods they give interpolated relationships hence a reduced uncertainities