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{(The formula and correct logic behind calculation of ATTRITION RATE)} ((no. Of attritions x 100) / (Actual Employees + New Joined)) /100. Examples: 1) Actual Employees No. Of people left No. Of Joined Total Employees (Opening BAL) (Attritions) (Current Headcount) 150 20 25 155 So according to the formula: ((20 x 100) / (150 + 25)) / 100 Which comes to 0.1142 i.e. 11% Now as you had 150 previously and now 25 joined so it makes 150 + 25 =175 Now if you calculate 11.42% of 175 i.e. 175 x 0.1142 = 20 Which clearly shows that 175 - 20 = 155, which is your current headcount and at the same time you can say my attrition is 11.42% that shows you lost 20 employees of 150 and 25 more joined which makes count to 175. 2) Actual Employees No. Of people left No. Of Joined Total Employees (Opening BAL) (Attritions) (Current Headcount) 100 50 0 50 This is the special case where we are considering attritions only keeping into mind that nobody has joined in particular month. So according to the formula: ((50 x 100) / (100)) / 100 Which comes to 0.5 i.e. 50% Now as you had 100 previously and now 0 joined so it makes 100 + 0 =100 Now if you calculate 50% of 100 i.e. 100 x 0.5 = 50 Which clearly shows that 100 - 50 = 50, which is your current headcount and at the same time you can say my attrition is 50% that shows you lost 50 employees of 100 and 0 joined which makes count to 50. 3) Actual Employees No. Of people left No. Of Joined Total Employees (Opening BAL) (Attritions) (Current Headcount) 500 200 100 400 So according to the formula: ((200 x 100) / (500 +100)) / 100 Which comes to 0.3333 i.e. 33.33% Now as you had 500 previously and now 100 joined so it makes 500 + 100 =600 Now if you calculate 33.33% of 600 i.e. 600 x 0.3333 = 200 Which clearly shows that 600 - 200 = 400, which is your current headcount and at the same time you can say my attrition is 33.33% that shows you lost 200 employees of 500 and 100 more joined which makes count to 400. 4) Actual Employees No. Of people left No. Of Joined Total Employees (Opening BAL) (Attritions) (Current Headcount) 8000 5000 500 3500 So according to the formula: ((5000 x 100) / (8000 +500)) / 100 Which comes to 0.5882 i.e. 58.82% Now as you had 8000 previously and now 500 joined so it makes 8000 + 500 =8500 Now if you calculate 58.82% of 8500 i.e. 8500 x 0.5882 = 5000 Which clearly shows that 8500 - 5000 = 3500, which is your current headcount and at the same time you can say my attrition is 58.82% that shows you lost 5000 employees of 8000 and 500 more joined which makes count to 3500.

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Q: What is the HR attrition rate formula?
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Annual attrition is the actual attrition rate for a year or a period of years. Annualized attrition would be an extrapolation based on the portion of a year (for example, take the actual attrition for 6 months and double it to arrive at an annualized attrition rate).

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An attrition rate is how many employees left a company in a period of time. To calculate the attrition rate of an organization, you would divide the average number who left by the average number that remained.

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Attrition rate in an organization refers to the rate at which employees leave the company over a certain period. It is a key metric that can indicate employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall organizational health. High attrition rates can impact productivity, morale, and ultimately the bottom line. Strategies to manage attrition rates include improving communication, offering growth opportunities, and creating a positive work environment.

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What is an attrition analysis of hr?

Read this artical, it is very helpful.

What is the definition of attrition rate?

reduction of employees by reteirment, resignation...

How do you calculate attrition?

Attrition rate % = (No of people moved out of the organisation during the period / Total no of people in the organisation during the period) * 100