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LCD(5, 18) = 90

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Q: What is the LCD of 5 and 18?
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If 13 and 518 are both denominators, the LCD is 6734 If that's 1/3 and 5/18, the LCD is 18 and you can change 1/3 to 6/18

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The given expression is: 5 / 18 + 2 / 3 Note that if you are good with finding LCD, then that is good. Otherwise, notice how LCD is determined. In order to simplify that expression, we need to determine the LCD of the fractions. That is: Find the LCM of 18 and 3. Factor out each term to get: 18 = 2 * 3² 3 = 3 Since the LCM is the smallest integer that is divided by two or more numbers, the LCM is 3² * 2 = 18. Check! 18 / 18 = 1 18 / 3 = 6 Good! Then, this means that 18 is the LCM of 18 and 3. Now, let's go back to the problem. We are given to simplify 5 / 18 + 2 / 3. Since the LCD is 18, multiply the top and bottom by 6 for 2 / 3 to get: 5 / 18 + (2 / 3 * 6 / 6) = 5 / 18 + 12 / 18 Finally, the expression is simplified to: (5 + 12) / 18 = 17 / 18

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18 is.