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That's a false statement. Both 16 and 64 have one prime factor. 16 can't be the LCM of two prime numbers and 64 can't be the product. If you leave out the word prime, you can use 16 and 4.

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Q: What is the LCM of two prime numbers is 16 and product is 64?
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What is the LCM of two co prime numbers?

Product of the two prime numbers is the LCM. For example 3, 7 have 21 as LCM

Is The LCM of two different prime numbers their product?

Yes,LCM of two numbers is their product.

How is the LCM related to the relatively prime numbers?

When two numbers are relatively prime, the LCM will be their product.

What is the LCM of two prime numbers?

The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of two prime numbers is the product of the two prime numbers. This is because prime numbers only have themselves and 1 as factors, so their LCM is simply their product.

What is the LCM of two numbers that are prime?

Their product.

Can you find the LCM of a prime number?

No. You can only find the LCM of at least two numbers, prime or otherwise. The LCM of any two prime numbers is their product.

When can the LCM of two numbers be the product of the two numbers?

When the numbers are co-prime.

Is the LCM of two numbers that have no common factors their product?

The LCM of two numbers is one of the numbers when one of the numbers is a multiple of the other. The LCM of two numbers is the product of the numbers when they are relatively prime. In all other cases (like consecutive even numbers that aren't 2 and 4) the LCM is as you describe.

How would you explain the LCM of the two numbers is their product?

The LCM of two numbers is their product if and only if the two numbers are co prime, that is their HCF is 1. Otherwise their LCM in not their product, in fact, it is their product divided by their HCF.

What is the LCM of any two prime numbers?

Their product.

How can you determine if the least common multiple of 2 numbers is the product of the 2 numbers or less than the product of the 2 numbers?

If the GCF of a given pair of numbers is 1, the LCM will be equal to their product. If the GCF is greater than 1, the LCM will be less than their product. Or, stated another way, if the two numbers have no common prime factors, their LCM will be their product.

What two numbers LCM that is the product of the numbers?

Any two that are relatively prime.