Pascal's triangle is an abstract arrangement of numbers which looks like this:
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
... [continued ad infinitum] ...
Each number is equal to the sum of two numbers, the numbers just above it to the left and the number just above it to the right. (if either the number to the right or to the left is missing, it is assumed to be 0)
the formula is (r-1)!/[(c-1)!*(r-c)!]. You might want to check out the related link below.
Pascal's triangle
The Sierpinski Triangle
pascals triangle is used to solve math problems that have chance of 2 different outcomes, such as flipping a coin
in the 11th century...
Blaise Pascal.
Pascal didn't invent pascals triangle, he just made It popular. A Chinese mathematician invented it in about 1015.
The expanded binomial is another name for Pascal's triangle.
No, use java.