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Luminous flux is measured in lumens (symbol: lm).

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Q: What is the Si Unit of luminous flux?
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The si unit of luminous flux?

Candela (cd).

What instrument measures luminous intensity or flux?

Luxmeter measures luminous intensity. The SI unit of luminous intensity is candela (cd).

What is lumens value?

A lumen is a unit of luminous flux. It is represented by the abbreviation 'lm'.One lumen equals the amount of light emitted in a solid angle from a source that radiates to an equal extent in all directions.

What is the unit for luminous flux?


What is Si unit of luminous intensity?

In the SI the unit of luminous intensity is candela(cd).

What is the unit used to measure luminous intensity in the SI system?

The SI unit of luminous intensity is the candela.

What does Amperes per Lumen stands for?

I don't believe that there is such a thing as an 'ampere per lumen'. An ampere is the SI unit of current, whereas the lumen is the SI photometric unit for luminous flux. There is no direct relationship between the two.

What is the unit of the magnetic flux?

The SI unit of attractive flux is the weber (Wb). The CGS unit is the maxwell.

Can you convert lumen to candle power?

Not directly, as you are comparing apples with oranges in two senses: (a) a lumen is an SI unit, whereas a candlepower is an Imperial unit, and (b) lumens are used to measure luminous flux, whereas candlepower is used to measure luminous intensity.

What is the Si of luminous intensity?

The SI unit of Intensity of light is CANDELA.

What is measured using lux?

Lux is used in measuring luminous flux per unit area.

What is the difference between incandescence and luminescence?

Illuminance is another word for 'luminous-flux density', which describes the intensity of the luminous flux hitting a surface. Its SI unit of measurement is the lux, which is a special name given to a lumen per square metre. Luminance is a measure of the intensity of the light reflected by a surface. Its SI unit of measurement is the candela per square metre.