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Q: What is the United States national form of measurement?
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Long form of guard?

The full form for Guard is National Guard of the United States.

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badminton was introduced to the US in 1835

How many feet in 6m?

There are 19,685 feet in 6 meters. The meter is a form of metric measurement that is used in most countries in the world. The United States does not use metrics.

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Anywhere from 90%-95% of cases in the United States end up in some form of plea bargaining.

How and why did the US form?

the united states form when they broke from britain

What form of voting was introduced in the united States in 1888?

Secret ballot voting was first introduced in the United States in 1888.

What countries form boundaries in the US?

There are two countries that form the borders of the United States: Canada and Mexico. Canada forms the northern border of the United States and Mexico forms the Southern border of the United States.

Which form of government is used in the United States today direct or representative?

The United States is a representative republic.

Is national government in the constitution?

CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES sets forth the nation's fundamental laws.It establishes the form of the national government and defines the rights and liberties of the American people. It also lists the aims of the national government and the methods of achieving them.

When did our first form of government begin to govern the united states?

Our first form of government began to govern the United States in 1787.

What was the purpose of articles of confederation?

To provide a governing structure for the nation it provided the first set rules and organize the government for the United States of America. It was the first Constitution for the United States of America. Set up the form of the national government. To keep order in the government.

What is the short form of Oregon?

The short form of Oregon is OR. All the states in the United States have an abbreviation which is used as the short form.