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int main() {

// edit the following string to include any other alphanumerics you require:

const std::string alpha {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"};

int a, b, c;for (a=0; a<alpha.size(); ++a)


for (b=0; b<alpha.size(); ++b)


for (c=0; c<alpha.size(); ++c)


std::cout << alpha[a] << alpha[b] << alpha[c] << std::endl;





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How to check whether a character is numeric in an alphanumeric field in easytrieve.?


Can you modify the bubble sort algorithm to search to sort an array of characters instead of array of integers?

The bubble sort algorithm can be applied to an array of characters. Every character can be translated to an integer equivalent via the ascii table

Specify the naming convention for variable constant class and method?

The naming convention for variables, constants, classes, and methods involves delimiting separate words with a non-alphanumeric character such as a hyphen or underscore.

What is the sort order for alphanumeric fields that contain both numbers and letters?

It depends on the collating order of the character set being used by the computer:ASCII places the numbers before the lettersEBCDIC places the numbers after the lettersFIELDATA places the numbers after the lettersetc.Some early computers had a different collating order than the numeric order of the character codes in the character set, but for modern computers the collating order is usually identical to the numeric order of the character codes.

How do you check whether a character is numeric in an alphanumeric field in C?

If the character's ASCII value is in the range of the digit characters, then it is a numeric. In ASCII, the range of digits is from '0' to '9' (48 to 57 decimal). Note that character constants such as '0' will implicitly convert to the constant integer 48 (the ASCII code for the character) so there is no need to remember the actual value; the compiler can determine this for us. The following function shows how one might test a character to see if it is a digit or not: bool is_digit (const char c) { return (c&gt;='0' &amp;&amp; c&lt;='9'); } The function will return true if the given character is a digit, otherwise it will return false.