

Best Answer

1). We would remark that this is hardly a math question, but more like a 'riddle'.

2). No one has discovered bones on the moon. If they ever do, they might

reasonably conclude that the cow should have jumped higher.

3). The answer to the math punchline is "the cow didnt make it"

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Q: What is the answer to the math question what did scientists conclude after discovering bones on the moon?
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Why did scientists conclude after discovering bones on the moon?

they actually found bones on the moon???

What did the scientists conclude after discovering the moon?

no one has discovered bones on the moon... but if we are talking about the math answers, then "the cow didnt make it"

What did the scientists conclude after discovering bones on the moon?

No one has discovered bones on the moon. If they ever do, they might reasonably conclude that the cow should have jumped higher.

What did the scientist conclude after discovering bones on the moon answers to the math pRoblems?

The cow didn't make it.

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What have scientists discovered?

they have discovered dinosaur bones and much more such as crystals

How did scientists find out How?

scientist found out about the bones and named them by what they look like.

What does it mean if you find bones on the moon?

Scientists really haven't found bones on the Moon. If there were bones on the moon that might mean a really old astronaut was already there.