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Q: What is the answer to this math problem 3h 6k-94h-2k?
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What is the order for simplifying a math problem?

Depends on the type of math problem you are considering to solve. For example; 6y+7h-2y+3h. To simplify you collect up all of the same letter numbers, so in this case, 6y-2y=4y, 7h+3h=10h. Then put the answers together in alphebetical order. 10h+4y

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simplify both sides of the equation: 1/3h+(-4)(2/3h)+(-4)(-3)=2/3h+-6 ~ distribute that 1/3h+-8/3h+12=2/3h+-6 (1/3h+-8/3h)+(12)=2/3h-6 ~ combine like terms for this -7/3h+12=2/3h-6 -7/3h+12=2/3h-6 subtract 2/3h from both sides: -7/3h+12-_2/3h=_2/3h-6-2/3h -3h+12=6 subtract 12 from both sides: -3h+12-12=-6-12 -3h=-18 divide both sides by -3 -3h/-3=-18/-3 h=6

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The product in a math is the answer to a multiplication problem.

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In a math problem, least means smallest.

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The product is the "sum" of a multiplication math problem.

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What do h mean in math?

h is a variable and has a set value in an algebraic equation, like x, y, and z. For example, if 4h=100 then h =25, or if 3h+12=21 then 3h=9 and h=3. It could however refer to height if it is located on a shape.

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What does justification mean in math terms?

Justification in math terms means to show how you solved the math problem. Lay out the problem and show step-by-step how the problem is solved.