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It is called the papilla.

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Q: What is the apex of renal pyramid?
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Urine flows from the tip of a renal pyramid into what structure?

tip is the renal papilla bottom of each pyramid flows into the

What is the conical mass of tissue within the renal medulla?

The renal pyramid.

What is the function of Renal pyramids?

One million functional units

What structures are located in the renal pyramid?

in the medulla!

How many lobes are in each kidney?

Each kidney has a renal lobe consisting of a renal pyramid with the renal cortex above it.

Does the ureter expand as a renal pyramid inside the kidney?

The ureter expands within the kidney to collect urine filtered by the neprhons. The renal pyramid is not made up of the ureter.

Does the ureter expands as a renal pyramid inside the kidney?

Renal pyramids are the cone shaped tissues in the kidney. The base of each pyramid starts at the corticomedullary border.

What kind of tissue makes up the renal pyramid?

the brown on

What gives the renal pyramids their striped appearance?

Renal pyramids (or malpighian pyramids) are cone-shaped tissues of the kidney. The renal medulla is made up of 7 to 18 of these conical subdivisions (usually 7 in humans). The broad base of each pyramid faces the renal cortex, and its apex, or papilla, points internally. The pyramids appear striped because they are formed by straight parallel segments of nephrons.

What receives urine from the renal pyramid?

Major calicesThe renal pelvis is also known as the pyelum The renal pelvis acts as a funnel for urine from the kidney to the urethra .

How many apexs does a triangular pyramid have?

A triangular pyramid has one apex. The apex of a pyramid is its pointed tip on top. A triangular pyramid has four faces and a triangle-shaped base.

What kind of diagram shows the flow of energy among different trophic levels?

Energy pyramid Apex^^^^^