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A circle with a radius of 6.8 feet has an area of 145.27 square feet.

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Q: What is the area of a circle if the radius is 6.8 feet?
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What is the radius of a circle that has area of 68 square feet?

Area of circle = pi*r^2 so......... 68 sqr ft = pi * r^2 divide both sides by pi 21.645 = r^2 take square root of each side 4.7 feet = the radius of this circle

What is the perimeter of a square that has an area of 289 feet squared?

P = 68 feet.

How do you find the radius of a circle if the circumference is 68?

C (Circumference) = 3.14 (pi)*D (diameter) r (radius) = 0.5D and D = 2r So circumference can also be C=3.14*2r Then, solve 68 = 3.14*2r to get r = 10.83

How many square inches in a 4.25 inch circle?

A circle that is 4.25 inches implies that its circumference is 4.25 inches; that is, it is 4.25 inches around. The formula for the circumference of a circle is given as c = 2πr, where c is the circumference, pi is a constant (approximately 3.14), and r is the radius of the circle. Since the c-value is known we can use algebra to manipulate the formula in order to solve for r (the only missing piece of information). Doing so yields r = c/2π. Substituting the circumference of 4.25 inches into the formula reveals that the radius must be .68 inches (rounded to two decimal places). Now that the radius of the circle is known, the surface area can be calculated with the formula A = πr2. Substituting the determined value of the radius in for r produces a surface area of 1.45 inches2. The unit of square inches comes from the fact that we are not only multiplying the numerical value of the radius, but also its units. In this case, r2 = (0.68 inches)(0.68 inches) = 1.45 inches2.

How many square feet is a 14 x 68 mobile home?

Multiply width by length to get the area. The answer would be 952 square feet.

Related questions

What is the radius of a circle that has area of 68 square feet?

Area of circle = pi*r^2 so......... 68 sqr ft = pi * r^2 divide both sides by pi 21.645 = r^2 take square root of each side 4.7 feet = the radius of this circle

Which is the formula to calculate area for a circle with diameter of 68 miles?

The area of a circle is calculated by multiplying the square of its radius by pi and can thus be represented with the equation: A = πr^2 where A= area and r=radius. The radius of a circle is equal to half its diameter. Consequently the first step to answering this question would be calculating the radius of the circle. r= d/2 = 68/2 =34 miles This means that the formula to calculate the area for a circle with a diameter of 68 miles would be: A = π(34^2) Working this through would give us: A = π(34^2) = 1156 π = 3631.68 square miles (2 d.p.)

What is the radius of a circle with a circumstance of 68?

34 / pi

What is the area of diameter= 68 in?

If the diameter is 68, then the radius is 34. 3.14 * 34^2 = 3629.84

What is the area of a circle with a 68 diameter?

3,631.68 square units.

What is circumference of a circle with a radius in the length of 34 mm?

68 pi mm ie 213.6 mm to the nearest tenth

What is the perimeter of a square that has an area of 289 feet squared?

P = 68 feet.

How do you find the radius of a circle if the circumference is 68?

C (Circumference) = 3.14 (pi)*D (diameter) r (radius) = 0.5D and D = 2r So circumference can also be C=3.14*2r Then, solve 68 = 3.14*2r to get r = 10.83

If a circle of radius 18.1 mm rotates through an angle of 68 deg what is the length of the arc created?

(2 pi) x (18.1) x (68/360) = 21.5 mm (rounded)

How would you find the radius of a circle with a circle with a circumference of 68cm?

First, divide the circumference by Pi (about 3.1416): 68 / 3.1416 = 21.65 cm. This is the diameter. Now, divide the diameter by two to get the radius: 21.65 / 2 = 10.825 cm.The radius is: 10.825 cmNote: The result will vary slightly depending on the value you use for Pi

How many square feet is 68 feet by 16 feet?

Multiply the two dimensions to get the area. In this case the calculation gives you1088 square feet.

How many linear feet in a lot 68 x249?

Linear feet is a measure of length, so there are 68 in one direction and 249 in the other. If you are asking about the area then multiply the two numbers together and you will get square feet