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Radius - Diameter/2

And area = pi*radius2

So area = pi*(8.1/2)2 = 51.53 sq cm

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Q: What is the area of a circle with a diameter of 8.1 centimeters?
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A circle is 18 feet in diameter what is the area of the circle?

Area of circle: 81*pi square feet

If the diameter of a circle is 18 what is the area with pi?

Area of circle: 81*pi square units

What is the diameter of a circle that has an area of 81 square inches?

radius = sq rt of (81/pi) = 5.077706252 diameter = 2*077706252 = 10.1554125 inches

What is the circumference of a circle with an area of 81 pi square centimeters?

The circumference is 56.55 cm

What is the area of a circle whose diameter is 18?

254.47radius:= diameter/2= 18/2= 9Area of circle:= pi * radius2= 3.1416 * 92= 3.1426 * 81= 254.47

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Area of circle with 18 inch diameter = pi*(18/2)2 = 81*pi sq inches Area of circle with 9.6 inch diameter = pi*(9.6/2)2 = 23.04*pi sq inches Difference = (81 - 23.04)*pi = 182.09 sq inches.

What is the area of a circle with the diameter of 18?

Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 2.5434

What is the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 81m?

Diameter = 81/pi = 25.78310078 m

What is the area of a circle whose diameter 18inches?

254.47 inches2radius:= diameter/2= 18 inches/2= 9 inchesArea of circle:= pi * radius2= 3.1416 * 92= 3.1426 * 81= 254.47 inches2

What is the area of a circle that has a diameter of 9 cm?

The area of a circle is figured out using the formula Now, the circle we are given has a radius of 9cm. So, the area of the circle would be: Area = 3.14 x (9)2 = 3.14 x 81 = 254.34 cm2 The area of the circle in question is 254.34 cm2

What is the circumference of a circle with an area of 81?

In every circle . . .Area = (pi) x (radius)2Diameter = 2 x radiusCircumference = (pi) x diameterIn this circle, Area = (pi) R2 = 81R2 = 81/piR = sqrt( 81/pi )Diameter = 2 x sqrt( 81/pi )Circumference = (pi) x 2 x sqrt( 81/pi ) = 2 x sqrt( 81 pi ) = 18 sqrt(pi) = 31.9042 (rounded)

What is the diameter of a circle when the area is 81pi square feet?

Area = pi*r*r = 81*pi => r^2 = 81 => r = 9 so d = 2*r = 18 ft.