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You need to know the other base as it may be different.

Answer is one half the sum of bases times height ) 1/2 (b1 + b2)(h)

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6mo ago

The formula to calculate the area of a trapezoid is (1/2) * sum of the bases * height. Given that the height is 12 cm and the bases are 15 cm and another side, the area can be calculated as (1/2) * (15 + b) * 12, where b is the length of the other base.

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Q: What is the area of a trapezoid with the height of 12cm and the base of 15 cm?
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The area of a trapezoid is: base 1 + base 2 times height divided by 2. :) I hope I helped you out a bit ^^

What the area trapezoid?

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