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It probably is a regular hexagon. Take the Apothem (The distance from the center to a side) and multiply by one half and by the perimeter.

if the sum of interior angles of a polygon is 120 then


which is impossible

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Q: What is the area of an hexagon if the interior angles are 120 degrees?
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How much is the sum of a hexagon?

A hexagon cannot have a sum. There can be the sum of its interior angles, its exterior angles, its side lengths, its area (and that of some other area), or other characteristics, but not of a hexagon.

What is the total measurement of a hexagon?

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What is the measurement of a hexagon?

360 degrees* * * * *Probably not the correct answer but with a question that is so poorly specified, you can hardly blame the person answering!The sum of the external angles is 360 degrees but that is true of every polygon - no matter how many sides. An unlikely question.Half the sum of the interior angles. Even less likely.Was the question meant to be about the perimeter, area? Alas, we shall never know!

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What are at least eight features that are common to all triangles?

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What are at least 12 facts about the triangle?

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