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2.5 + 3 + 4 = 9.5 then divide by 3 (the number of numbers) = 3.167

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Q: What is the average of 2.5 plus 3 plus 4?
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The answer is 25 but I do not know the rule. If someone else knows the rule feel free to edit my answer. first thing i would like to tell that their no particular rule to solve this problem. But if we consider the working of calculator then the addition will be done as follows. ((((((((1+2)+3)+4)+5)+4)+3)+2)+1) = 25 (((((((3+3)+4)+5)+4)+3)+2)+1) = 25 ((((((6+4)+5)+4)+3)+2)+1) = 25 (((((10+5)+4)+3)+2)+1) = 25 ((((15+4)+3)+2)+1) = 25 (((19+3)+2)+1) = 25 ((22+2)+1) = 25 (24+1) = 25 solve from innermost bracket towards outer This is just a consideration of calculator if you solve through calculator the producer will look as above. If any one knows any simple answer please feel free to continue this discussion.

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